Three of the four largest mergers in the quarter involved Texas-based firms.

Three of the four largest mergers in the quarter involved Texas-based firms.
Lisa Smith is quoted. Experts aren’t fond of two co-managing partners or a committee of equals running a law firm.
Published by The American Lawyer Making partner isn’t cheap, and the cost is more than just the years of hard work and stress that associates put in as they reach for the brass ring. View Full Article Making partner isn’t cheap, and the cost is more than...
Kristin Stark is quoted. Cross-border combinations continued to propel law firm merger activity through the second quarter of 2017.
Kristin Stark is quoted. Should law firms refuse to hand over time-entry data to clients when working on a fixed fee?
To get a grip on the market trend some observers hold responsible for flat-lining the finance charts for The Am Law Second Hundred, ponder alcohol pricing.
Are some law firms making a mistake by handing clients their billable hour data despite working for flat or fixed fees?
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