Don’t lose sight of strategy: Making progress in a challenging year

Complimentary Webinar

July 29, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm EST

In times of macro-economic and market uncertainty, it is tempting to focus attention principally on business resilience measures. Disruptions in the world around us are causing a number of firms to focus on short term management priorities. This creates the risk of strategic drift at a time when a clear strategy and direction has never been more essential.

Register now for our online webinar specifically designed for law firm leaders, Board members, and Executive/Management Committee members.

  • Consider the importance of strategy and direction in times of uncertainty
  • Hear about ways to ‘refresh’ your firm’s strategy to reflect accelerating macro-economic and legal market trends
  • Learn how to identify your best near-term strategic priorities
  • Consider the increasing importance of core values in building client relationships
  • Hear from a law firm leader about how their firm has continued to make progress implementing their strategy in 2020

Lisa Smith, Fairfax Associates
Kristin Stark, Fairfax Associates
Jim Smith, Blank Rome
Julia Hayhoe, Fairfax Associates (Affiliated Partner – Hayhoe Consulting)

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