
The Insights series draws upon our collective consulting experience to address topics that we consider of current interest to the senior management of law firms.

Know Thyself And Thy Clients

Know Thyself And Thy Clients

Client feedback can be a valuable predictive indicator of the future intentions of a firm’s current client base as well as a method to uncover emerging trends in industries on which the firm is focused…In this month’s Insight, we share some themes from these interviews and the implications for law firms in today’s market.
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Successful Innovation

Successful Innovation

In the first, Making the Business Case for Innovation, we argue that innovation is an imperative that cannot be ignored by law firms.
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Cultivating Loyalty

Cultivating Loyalty

Certainly over recent years there has been a strong focus in all types of organizations, law firms included, in developing and then harnessing the power of a shared purpose.
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Combating Origination Competition

A Return To Equity Partnerships?

The number of non-equity partners in law firms has expanded dramatically. In the US it has more than tripled in the largest firms over the past decade and increases of a similar nature are apparent in other jurisdictions.
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