The Insights series draws upon our collective consulting experience to address topics that we consider of current interest to the senior management of law firms.

Client Concentration
Some firms are proud of their focus on a small number of significant client relationships.

Ancient Strategy
Xenophon, writing in The Education of Cyrus in the 4th Century BC, identified…

Financial Out-performance
Over recent years the gap in profitability between the more…

Reinvigorating Practices
Partners lack the motivating sense of achievement and progress to which…

Addressing Succession
Anticipated partner retirements represent a looming management challenge.

Building Competitiveness
Over the past four years the dramatically increased focus on financial management…

Is Our Partner Compensation System Working?
As a result of the financial crisis firms have experienced four years of financial…

Merger Discussions: A Balancing Act
Recently we have seen firms struggle with getting the right balance between discussing the business case for merger and delving into some of the deal terms of the combination.