
The Insights series draws upon our collective consulting experience to address topics that we consider of current interest to the senior management of law firms.

Is Law Firm Leadership Too Great a Sacrifice?

Is Law Firm Leadership Too Great a Sacrifice?

The value of strong law firm leadership is at a premium today and while many firms have sought to develop younger partners as leaders, some of these individuals are opting out because law firm leadership appears to be too great a sacrifice. Ensuring that the right partners are serving in the roles and avoiding future leadership gaps will require addressing leadership disincentives today.

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Evaluating Unanticipated Growth Opportunities

Evaluating Unanticipated Growth Opportunities

Mergers among law firms are continuing to occur at a high rate. And more firms than those completing mergers are engaged in exploratory discussions to determine if a merger makes strategic and business sense. Periodically assessing the firm’s competitive position and strategic priorities can help to assess merger inquiries from the perspective of what is best for the firm.

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The Growth Imperative

The Growth Imperative

For many law firms growth offers the opportunity to preserve or improve competitiveness, economics and market position in a rapidly evolving industry. For many firms today, the question is not whether law firms should be pursuing growth. Growth, in one form or another, is a strategic imperative. The question is how firms will achieve it.

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What is Law Firm Culture?

What is Law Firm Culture?

What does culture really mean? And is preserving it always a good thing? While culture can certainly provide the glue that ties lawyers to the firm, there are always lawyers who choose to go elsewhere as a result of the culture. And different generations of the firm may value different aspects of the culture.

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Managing Volatility

Managing Volatility

Volatility has become more common in the legal industry and firms must be prepared to deal with the consequences. As we potentially head in to tougher economic times, leaders need to be thinking ahead and managing proactively.

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Key Success Factors in Partner Compensation

Key Success Factors in Partner Compensation

While many firms have fine-tuned their partner compensation systems over time, compensation remains an evergreen topic within partnerships, and one does not have to look hard to find ways to further improve a system.

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Insights from Baker McKenzie’s Chief Strategy Officer

Insights from Baker McKenzie’s Chief Strategy Officer

This month we are debuting our interview series. We will periodically interview leaders in the legal industry who bring fresh perspectives that are sure to be of interest to our readers. We kick off with Julia Hayhoe, the Chief Strategy Officer at Baker McKenzie.

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