Looking Ahead: Adapting to Changing Client Demands

Looking Ahead: Adapting to Changing Client Demands

The legal industry has proved remarkably adept at adjusting to the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic shocks it continues to unleash. We’ve seen firms quickly turn themselves into virtual operations, continuing to deliver high quality services to clients both efficiently and profitably, with renewed commitment to health and wellbeing.

At the same time, the crisis has accelerated the macro trends that drive the business agenda of clients, highlighting growth opportunities and areas of risk that must be mitigated to ensure long-term success.

The Rise of New Law

The Rise of New Law

While law firms have long experimented with adjacent businesses, recent industry changes have triggered a new level of investment in and focus on the formation of ‘New Law’ businesses. Given their recent emergence, the term New Law is not yet well defined and the application of New Law models continues to evolve with changes in technology and client demand. Despite this shifting marketplace, New Law offers opportunities for firms and merits more exploration by law firms seeking to differentiate their services, deliver enhanced value to their clients, and establish new sources of revenue.

When is the Right Time to Merge?

When is the Right Time to Merge?

In recent years, we have worked on a number of law firm mergers where one of the firms was in a significantly weakened position relative to its past. More often than not, these mergers fail to move forward because there is too much uncertainty about the stability of the firm, the deterioration of its financial condition, and the questionable commitment of key partners to remain with the combined firm.

5 Critical Talent Management Priorities Facing Law Firm Leaders

5 Critical Talent Management Priorities Facing Law Firm Leaders

In today’s world, there is no shortage of challenges keeping managing partners awake at night. We see one particular set of challenges receiving insufficient management time and attention in the current environment – talent management. For a variety of reasons, firms simply are not investing the creativity and resources needed to ensure effective talent management in today’s unusual and heavily-virtual law firm environment.

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Firm’s Strategy

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Firm’s Strategy

In times of economic uncertainty, it is tempting to focus attention principally on business resilience measures. Disruptions in the world around us are causing a number of law firms to ‘hunker down’ and focus on short-term management. This creates the risk of strategic drift at a time when a clear strategy and direction has never been more essential. Not only do firms need to continue to make progress on strategic initiatives in order to avoid falling behind the market and competitors, but they also need to think about how their business and the business of clients will change as a result of the pandemic.

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